Dr. Michael Chung is an Oakton area family dentist devoted to you and your family’s overall oral health. He and the dental team at our Northern Virginia family dentistry practice care for a variety of patients, from children to seniors.
Schedule an appointment at our office by calling Softouch Dental Care at 703-319-6990.
Role of a Family Dentist
Dr. Chung received his Doctorate of Dental Surgery from the College of Dental Surgery at the University of Maryland at Baltimore. As a family dentist, his primary concern is preventative care for your teeth and gums and restorative treatment as necessary. He will ensure that:
- Any tooth decay is removed
- Plaque and tarter are kept to a minimum
- Any cavities are filled
- Your gums are healthy
Our Office Atmosphere
Problems Associated with Poor Oral Health
If you have excessive bacteria in your mouth, you can breathe it into your lungs, which may result in respiratory diseases like pneumonia. This is especially common in those with periodontal or gum disease, which is caused by poor oral hygiene.
Research reveals that people with gum disease are two times more likely to develop coronary artery disease and are at an increased risk for heart attack and stroke. If you have diabetes and you develop periodontal disease, you are more likely to have health complications due to a potentially dangerous increase in blood sugar.
Because gum disease begins with no symptoms, it is important that you seek regular checkups to avoid jeopardizing your overall health. If you do have gum disease, we can perform periodontal therapy to remove the affected tissue and restore your oral health.
Contact An Experienced Family Dentist
If you live in Northern Virginia or the surrounding area and are looking for an experienced family dentist, please contact Softouch Dental Care online or call 703-319-6990 to schedule your personal consultation at our Northern Virginia family dentistry office.