The old metal amalgam fillings that our parents and grandparents were accustomed to are now being replaced by white fillings. Metal amalgam looks so different from tooth enamel that even on a back tooth, those fillings are visible, when you laugh, for instance.
Dr. Chung offers tooth-colored fillings as a better alternative to metal fillings. They are done in the same way, but the result is invisible. In other words, the fillings blends in with the rest of the tooth.
Strengthening The Tooth
Besides the clear advantage of matching tooth enamel, tooth colored-fillings strengthen the tooth and lengthen its life. This is because they are bonded to the tooth.
Metal fillings are not bonded to the tooth – they are simply packed tightly into the cavity. That means the cavity must be of a good shape to hold them in. In turn, that means the more healthy tooth must be removed to shape the cavity.
The dental bonding substance used for white fillings is soft and moldable when Dr. Chung applies it to your tooth. When he has the cavity nicely filled and the surface smooth for your bite, he uses a curing light to harden it. Now the fillings is part of your tooth and will help to hold it together. It exerts inward pressure, pulling inwards on the tooth’s periphery.
Metal fillings exert outward pressure on the tooth, gradually weakening it and causing it to crack or completely break.
Replace Your Old Fillings
If you have a mouthful of dark gray fillings, they can all be removed and replaced with attractive tooth-colored fillings. This will make an astounding difference to your smile! It will give your face a newly youthful look and probably boost your social confidence.
Replacement of metal fillings can be part of your smile makeover. An alternative to tooth-colored fillings would be porcelain inlays and onlays. These are another way of filling a cavity without disfiguring the tooth’s appearance.
Placing White Fillings
White composite fillings are completed in one visit as they are what is known as a direct restoration, meaning that Dr. Chung applies the filling directly to your tooth. Indirect restorations are those made in a dental laboratory, such as porcelain inlays or onlays, crowns, and porcelain veneers. Those procedures take two visits, with a wait in between while the lab custom-creates your restoration.
If you would like to come in for a consultation on dental fillings, please call 703-319-6990 to schedule a consultation with Softouch Dental Care today. We have a very inviting and comfortable facility, and our team is dedicated to giving you the best dental experience you’ve ever had.
If you feel anxious at the thought of going to a dentist, we understand that, and we offer sedation dentistry to help you relax. At your consultation, you can meet Dr. Chung and have all your white fillings questions answered. Our Northern Virginia office in Oakton serves Vienna, Manassas, McLean, Great Falls, Tysons Corner, Reston, Arlington, Herndon, Fairfax, Falls Church, Chantilly, and Centreville, as well as Washington D.C.