Here’s What You Need To Know When Considering An Implant
Your teeth work together to maintain the support of your oral health and general comfort. It may not seem like a big deal to be missing one of your teeth, but it can throw off the balance of your oral health and cause many problems. If you have lost one of your teeth, we highly recommend replacing that tooth with an implant. Do you experience these issues with your missing tooth?
Difficulty eating: Do you find it hard to chew or crunch on firm foods when you have your missing tooth? If yes, then the result of this is that you may find yourself avoiding many of the important meals that you enjoyed. Also, if you don’t chew your food well enough before swallowing, you can have difficulty swallowing or digesting problems.
Low self-confidence: When you have a gap from a missing tooth, it can affect your self-confidence to smile and the way you see yourself. This may cause you to smile or even laugh. Replacing that missing tooth could take all those worries away!
Call to schedule your Implants consultation. Contact Softouch Dental Care today by calling 703-747-9734 to schedule a consultation with our Northern Virginia area dentist. We happily welcome patients from Oakton, Vienna, McLean, and surrounding communities.