Tooth sensitivity is one of the most commonly cited reasons for avoiding routine dental care. Unfortunately, avoiding dental care can actually exacerbate sensitivity by allowing its underlying cause to remain untreated. If you suffer from tooth sensitivity, Northern Virginia family dentist Dr. Michael Chung can provide a comfortable examination to identify its cause and determine which targeted treatments will guard against its reoccurrence.
Do you suffer from sensitive teeth? Call our Oakton, Virginia office at 703-319-6990 to schedule a treatment consultation with Dr. Chung.
Sedation Dentistry
If your tooth sensitivity is too extreme to allow for comfortable examinations, Dr. Chung would be happy to discuss your sedation dentistry options. Dr. Chung offers both oral conscious sedation and nitrous oxide. Which one is best for your specific needs will be determined during your initial consultation.
Sedation dentistry is an effective way to remain comfortable and relaxed during your dental visit and may be ideal for patients who suffer from tooth sensitivity, an over-active gag reflex, and a host of other issues that can lead to avoiding professional dental care. Please contact Softouch Dental Care today to schedule an appointment and learn if sedation is right for you.
Dr. Chung is an experienced sedation dentist serving many Northern Virginia communities from our conveniently located Oakton office.