Symptoms of TMJ include, but are not limited to:
- Recurring headaches
- Pain in your jaw and face
- Ringing in your ears
- Pain in your neck and shoulders
- Popping or clicking in your jaw movement
- Not being able to open your jaw fully
- Tingling in your fingers
If you experience any of these symptoms, you should schedule a consultation with a neuromuscular dentist like Dr. Michael Chung who is experienced and trained in treating TMJ.
Dr. Chung will examine the alignment of your jaw in order to determine the cause of your condition and recommend a customized treatment plan. Depending on your unique issue, Dr. Chung may recommend one of the following TMJ treatments:
- Reshaping or re-positioning your teeth so your mouth closes in a correct bite
- Retraining your jaw with an orthotic to correct your habitual movements
- Relaxing your jaw and facial muscles through physical therapy to re-learn how to use your jaw muscles
- Relieving your pain with medication to alleviate the headaches so further work can be done
If you suffer from any of the symptoms listed above, schedule your consultation with Dr. Chung by contacting Softouch Dental Care at 703-319-6990 today. We serve patients in all areas of Northern Virginia including Oakton, McClean and Vienna.