
Dental Implant Candidacy

Missing teeth affect more than just your smile; they can impact how you speak, how you chew, and how your mouth closes. You can also experience your remaining teeth moving as they take advantage of the extra space to “spread out,” which can then cause those teeth to become loose. If you are ready to […]

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TMJ Symptoms

Temporomandibular disorder, or TMJ/TMD, is a painful disorder of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) that connects the jaw to the skull. The TMJ itself is one of the most complicated joints in the human body, moving backwards and forwards, sideways, and up-and-down. Because of this complicated movement, it’s possible for the joint to become out of

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Benefits of Dental Implants

Everyone wants to have a beautiful smile. Having a missing, chipped, or decayed tooth can leave you self-conscious, but giving your smile a makeover can remove those worries. Restoring your smile with dental implants also has health benefits. Some of the health benefits of implant dentistry include: A healthier jaw – gaps in your bite

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TMJ Treatment Options

Temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ) is a condition that occurs as a result of the misalignment of your jaw joint. Your jaw joint can be knocked out of alignment in a number of ways, including a blow to the head, a chronic teeth-grinding habit, or crowded teeth that constantly meet in a misaligned bite. Symptoms of

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St. Patricks Day Causes Spike in Emergency Dental Visits

Every year, dentists across the country see a spike in emergency visits following St. Patrick’s Day. NBC reported that the average increase in emergency dental visits is 64% on the first business day after St. Patrick’s Day. The most common dental problems that are treated are chipped teeth needing repair and missing teeth being replaced

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What is Bruxism?

Do you have constant headaches, damaged teeth or trouble sleeping? You may suffer from bruxism, a condition marked by unconsciously grinding your teeth during the day or clenching and grinding them at night. Bruxism is often a cause of TMJ, a condition that occurs when your jaw becomes misaligned. When it occurs at night, bruxism

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Schedule A Consultation

Ready to book an appointment with a dentist in Oakton, VA? Please contact us today!


What Happens in a Consultation?

  • 01.

    Get to know Dr. Chung.

  • 02.

    Help him understand you and your goals.

  • 03.

    Learn about his services and specialties.

“Dr. Chung is the best, he has cared for me for over 15 years. He is always available. He has been attentive and taken care of all my issues before they were painful or bad. He has helped me with a good program for taking care of my teeth and they are beautiful. I receive complements about my pretty teeth and smile. The staff is attentive to detail they have prevented the things we dread. I have great respect for his care and his opinions and so happy to have found him.”

– Patricia Debearn

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